We all are using ADO quite frequently, but we are not sure if we are using it efficietnly too or not. I have given some information below, which may help you out in managing your queries.
While getting a recordset from a connection object.
Set objRS = objConn.Execute(CommandText, [RecordsAffected],[Your Options])
You can speed up your records fetching process by mentioning the options in the recordset object. Following are the options which are available:
adCmdText | If you have given the Command Text as a SQL string. |
adCmdTable | It is a sign that query would return the column names of the table. |
adCmdTableDirect | for a table name, whose columns are all returned. |
adCmdStoredProc | for a stored procedure name. |
adCmdFile | for a saved recordset. |
adCmdUnknown | for an unknown command type. |
adCmdUnspecified | to indicate the command type is unspecified. ADO will work out the command type itself, but this will lead to poorer performance, so you should always explicitly set the command type. |
You can also add the following ExecuteOptionEnum modifiers to Options:
adAsyncExecute, for asynchronous execution.
adAsyncFetch, for asynchronous fetching.
adAsyncFetchNonBlocking, for asynchronous fetching that does not block.
adExecuteNoRecords, for a non-row returning command.
Vikas Bhandari
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